2022 books
- The vagina monologues (Eve Ensler)
- How we learn: why brains are better than any machine… for now (Stainilas Dehaene)
- 字母表謎案(大山誠一郎)
- Powers of Darkness (Valdimar Ásmundsson, Bram Stoker)
- Carmilla (J. Sheridan de Fanu)
- Thinking, fast and slow (Daniel Kahneman)
- Inseparable (Simone de Beauvoir)
- The year of magical thinking (Joan Didion)
- There are places in the world where rules are less important than kindness (Carlo Rovelli)
- Written in bones (Sue Black)
- 動物園(乙一)
- Drums in the night (Bertolt Brecht)
- In your defence: stories of Life and Law (Sarah Langford)
- Sorrow and bliss (Meg Mason)
- Against white feminism (Rafia Zakaria)
- 餘韻(張愛玲)
- Fix the system, not the women (Laura Bates)
- I want to die but I want to eat tteokbokki (Baek Se-hee)
- Happening (Annie Ernaux)
- Simple passion (Annie Ernaux)
- 蒙馬特遺書(邱妙津)
- A frozen woman (Annie Ernaux)
- Murder, the biography (Kate Morgan)
- I remain in darkness (Annie Ernaux)
- Undoctored (Adam Kay)
- A woman’s story (Annie Ernaux)
- FIX(臥斧)
- 逆女(杜修蘭)
- The prison doctor: women inside (Amada Brown)
- Shame (Annie Ernaux)
- Exterior (Annie Ernaux)
- 黎明 Seher(塞拉哈汀·德米塔斯 Selahattin Demirtas)
- 流溪(林棹)
- 潮汐圖(林棹)
- 無知(米蘭·昆德拉)
- 小團圓(張愛玲)
- 華麗緣/流言(張愛玲)