2022 books


  1. The vagina monologues (Eve Ensler)
  2. How we learn: why brains are better than any machine… for now (Stainilas Dehaene)
  3. 字母表謎案(大山誠一郎)
  4. Powers of Darkness (Valdimar Ásmundsson, Bram Stoker)
  5. Carmilla (J. Sheridan de Fanu)
  6. Thinking, fast and slow (Daniel Kahneman)
  7. Inseparable (Simone de Beauvoir)
  8. The year of magical thinking (Joan Didion)
  9. There are places in the world where rules are less important than kindness (Carlo Rovelli)
  10. Written in bones (Sue Black)
  11. 動物園(乙一)
  12. Drums in the night (Bertolt Brecht)
  13. In your defence: stories of Life and Law (Sarah Langford)
  14. Sorrow and bliss (Meg Mason)
  15. Against white feminism (Rafia Zakaria)
  16. 餘韻(張愛玲)
  17. Fix the system, not the women (Laura Bates)
  18. I want to die but I want to eat tteokbokki (Baek Se-hee)
  19. Happening (Annie Ernaux)
  20. Simple passion (Annie Ernaux)
  21. 蒙馬特遺書(邱妙津)
  22. A frozen woman (Annie Ernaux)
  23. Murder, the biography (Kate Morgan)
  24. I remain in darkness (Annie Ernaux)
  25. Undoctored (Adam Kay)
  26. A woman’s story (Annie Ernaux)
  27. FIX(臥斧)
  28. 逆女(杜修蘭)
  29. The prison doctor: women inside (Amada Brown)
  30. Shame (Annie Ernaux)
  31. Exterior (Annie Ernaux)
  32. 黎明 Seher(塞拉哈汀·德米塔斯 Selahattin Demirtas)
  33. 流溪(林棹)
  34. 潮汐圖(林棹)
  35. 無知(米蘭·昆德拉)
  36. 小團圓(張愛玲)
  37. 華麗緣/流言(張愛玲)
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About Eileen Pan

Maths PhD student and photographer